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Reflections of an environmental tub-thumper

Researching and writing a PhD, gives me a three-year licence to let my mind freely wander, read the works of those who inspire me (and possibly some that don't) and write about the things that spark my passions.

At its simplest, my wish, is to leave this world a better place. I am on a mission to make a positive difference to our environment and communities through undertaking research, storytelling and inspiring positive action.

This blog features a series of short, personal anecdotes related to my interests and everyday observations of our environment and communities. Overtime, I will introduce you to my neighbours, the worms in my worm bin, and even the slugs in my lettuces. I might post once a day, once a week or once a month, but how ever often I write, I hope that you will find my tales a tonic, with a splash of something to make you think and take action.

Please feel free to post a comment if my musings resonate with you, and please shout if you would like to share the things that you do to make a difference. I promise not to tub-thump too vigorously! 

By the way, if you don't know what a tub-thumper is, read Blogs 1, 2 & 3.

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