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Research and Projects

 PhD Research:  The Changing Shape of Environmental Values in 21st Century Rural and Regional New Zealand

My PhD research explores how the emerging profile of mātauranga Māori and environmental values brought to Aotearoa by migrants, impact the ways in which environmental policy is resisted, accepted or acted upon. A deeper understanding of the far reaching values amongst Māori and Pākehā actors, will help shape future environmental policies and practices which recognize an increasingly bicultural nation and achieve positive action. In turn, it will support Aotearoa's commitment to achieving international and national environmental obligations, contribute to the halting decline of biodiversity and achieve sustainability goals, making a significant contribution to a sustainable future for all.

Chief Supervisor: Associate Professor Edgar Burns 

Supervisor: Dr Fiona McCormack 

 Masters Research  (completed 2021):
For Staff at the Eastern Institute of Technology, is Ōtātara a Placeless Geography? Or a Geography of Significance?

My Masters research was a journey to discover my own sense of belonging to a place. When I began my study, I had no real sense of belonging to New Zealand, often feeling an overwhelming desire for 'home', for England. Through immersing myself in the local Ōtātara landscape, where I lived (Taradale) and worked (EIT), learning about the histories, coupled with interviewing EIT colleagues about their own connections to place, I came to the realisation, that I do belong here, in Aotearoa, New Zealand. My research participants shared, often personal and sometimes highly emotional stories relating to their ancestors, family members, friendships and students. I was humbled by their (hi)stories. The passion with which participants spoke of their experiences and their future hopes for the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre, which I was responsible for, was inspiring. Their openness and collegiality, confirmed that EIT is a campus symbolised by both the people and the place. I concluded that my responsibility as an educator and researcher is to signal to future generations that Ōtātara is a landscape of significance and a taonga for the community which should be nurtured in the same way that it nurtures us.

 Conference Presentations:  

Passey, Emma. 2019. "Learning in Nature: A Case Study of the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre." Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTs) University of Otago, New Zealand. 

Passey, Emma. 2020. "(Re) Building Communities - Whiria te tāngata: The Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre." Te Pae Tawhiti, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. 

Passey, Emma. 2020. "Tūrangawaewae: How Do Staff at EIT Connect with Ōtātara?" ALPSSGRAD 2020 Graduate and Postgraduate Digital Conference, University of Waikato 


Passey, Emma and Waran, Natalie. 2020. "Learning in Nature for a Sustainable Future – Developing an Outdoor Learning Centre at EIT." SUSTAINABLE FUTURES Symposium, Wintec, Hamilton, New Zealand. 

Passey, Emma. 2021. "Learning in Nature: How we can better support teachers to use the environment in teaching and learning." EIT Research and Innovation Centre Policy Think Tank Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. 

Passey, Emma. 2021. "For Staff at the Eastern Institute of Technology, is Ōtātara a Placeless Geography? Or a Geography of Significance?" Te Kai a te Rangatira, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. (Forthcoming) 

Passey, Emma. 2021. "For Staff at the Eastern Institute of Technology, is Ōtātara a Placeless Geography? Or a Geography of Significance?" National ITP Research Symposium, Whitireia Polytechnic, New Zealand. 

 Award Winner,  Green Gown Awards Australasia (November 2021)

As EITs Environment and Sustainability Manager, I was responsible for developing and driving EITS sustainability policies and strategies and project managing an innovative, immersive teaching space (the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre), focusing on using nature for the context of learning. EIT was announced as a winner in the Benefiting Society Category and was the only NZ Polytechnic to be a finalist. 

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